Monday, February 2, 2009

THE MEDIA! (monroe e price) Cultural Globalization : the role of the media, how media acts as a liberator and a government activist as well as catalys

Each time there is a new technology used to communicate with the masses, there are groups of people (usually those in power) that feel threatened. Even homing pigeons were seen as a threat to power! But the paranoia really took off with the invention of the radio. Leaders of countries thought that anarchists would use the radio to spread propaganda, and that worry only got worse with the invention of the Internet. Because the Internet brought such freedom to read outside of your borders, it also gave the opportunity to read propaganda and false information leading to up rivals. Technology freed information so much that it is credited with "obliterating borders." However, weak nations do not like this freedom, and the use to spread political propaganda such as democracy. So some nations have censored the Internet. However, the more you sensor the Internet, the more people will try to read the censored material. by letting citizens to have the freedom to choose, you are intern receiving their trust.